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HTMX State

Sometimes it might be useful to have a component state, which will persist between requests and will be stored without any actual usage in the client side presentation.

<form hx-post="/htmx/component" hx-target="this" hx-swap="outerHTML">
	{{ hxstate . }}
	<div>Cursor: {{ .Cursor }}</div>
	<button type="submit">Submit</button>

This function injects a hidden input field with a serialized state. Let's check how it works on the server side.

package main

type ComponentState struct {
	component.Universal // We're using server state here
	rendering.Template  // We're using template rendering for this component, just like in pages

	Cursor string

func Component(ctx *component.Context) component.State {
	// Initialize state
	state := &ComponentState{}
	// Unmarshal state on post request
	if ctx.Request.Method == http.MethodPost {
	// Initialize cursor if it's empty
	if state.Cursor == "" {
		state.Cursor = "..."
	// Done
	return state

As a result, we have a component with a persistent state between requests.