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Components with state

Stateful components are pretty similar to stateless ones, but they are actually implementing marshal/unmarshal interface instead of mocking it.

You have multiple state options to choose from: universal or server.

Universal state is a state, that can be marshalled and unmarshalled both on server and client. It's a common state option without functionality limitations. On the other hand, the whole state must be sent and received, which applies some limitations on the state size.

package main

type ComponentState struct {
	component.Universal // This state allows you to operate with data on both server and client

func Component(ctx *component.Context) component.State {
	state := &ComponentState{}
	return state

Server state can be marshalled and unmarshalled only on server. It's a good option for components, that are not supposed to be updated on client side (f.e. no inputs). Also, it's a good option for components with lots of state data.

package main

type ComponentState struct {
	component.Server // This state allows you to operate with data on server only

func Component(ctx *component.Context) component.State {
	state := &ComponentState{}
	return state