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Empty / NotEmpty

Empty is a helper that returns true if the provided value is the same as default for provided type.


// Acts like "bool(value)" in some languages
val := logic.Empty("") // true
val := logic.Empty(0) // true
val := logic.Empty(false) // true
val := logic.Empty(nil) // true
val := logic.Empty(1) // false

NotEmpty is doing the opposite of Empty.


// Acts like "!bool(value)" in some languages
val := logic.NotEmpty("") // false
val := logic.NotEmpty(0) // false
val := logic.NotEmpty(false) // false
val := logic.NotEmpty(nil) // false
val := logic.NotEmpty(1) // true
val := logic.NotEmpty("asd") // true
val := logic.NotEmpty(true) // true

// This function can be combined with slice.Filter to remove empty values
slice.Filter([]int{0, 0, 1, 4, 5}, logic.NotEmpty[int]) // []int{1, 4, 5}