This generic type tries to mimic the Result type from other languages. It wraps a value/error pair, and provides a set of methods to resolve/unwrap underlying value with a specific value/error handling.
// We can use Wrap function to wrap a value/error pair into Result[T] type
res := errx.Wrap(strconv.Atoi("42"))
// Getter methods to get value or error
val, err := res.Value(), res.Error()
// Getter for getting value or default value if error is present
val := res.ValueOr(-1)
// Getter for getting value or panicking if error is present
val := res.Must()
// Call handlers to execute functions based on error presence
res.Then(func(val int) {
}).Catch(func(err error) {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
// The main point of handlers is using shared functions to handle different cases
// or
val := res.Catch(logError).ValueOr(-1)